5,4,3,2,1……. Blast off!!!! - PM
The children have been enjoying exploring the topic of space this week. We were very busy building rockets of different sizes with lots of different construction materials. Everyone has had fun dressing up in the space suits and we have been learning how to count backwards ready for Blast Off!!
We are learning the names of some of the planets and a few interesting facts about the galaxy and stars.
Great fun was had by everyone when Daniel came to do our sports today. We used the parachute again and practiced bouncing and catching the big balls.
Remember to sign up for the Christmas Tree Trip if you are joining us next Thursday.
We are all busy singing in preparation for the Nativity in school. If you can help us by practicing at home using the words put up on the website under parent info songs and rhymes we would greatly appreciate it.
On Friday 1st and 8th December ALL pm children will finish at 2pm to enable ‘ Peek and play’ visits for prospective children for next year to take place. Please ensure you make arrangements for your child to be collected early on these dates.
Enniskillen Nursery School, 29 Dublin Road, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, BT74 6HN
028 6634 2694