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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen
EXCITING NEWS!!! From September 2025 we will be offering 52 full time places. Come along to our 'peek and play' sessions on 6th Dec and 3rd Jan from 2.15-3pm or Sat 11th Jan from 10am-11am to find out more
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A Busy week of Christmas fun!

16th Dec 2022

What a busy week we had! The children enjoyed going to the Model to watch their nativity show. On Tuesday it was lovely to have so many parents join us in the Ardhowen, the children were a credit to you and enjoyed their treat.

We were surprised on Thursday to see our school cameras had captured some special visitors to the Nursery when we weren’t there! Santa and his elves must have been having a look around before they came back on Thursday night with the special presents for the boys and girls. It was lovely to see the children in their pyjamas enjoying a story, hot chocolate and a sing along. We hope you enjoyed this special evening!

The weather has been incredibly cold but we wrapped up warm and had great fun exploring water freezing and making ice sculptures to hang on the trees.