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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen
EXCITING NEWS!!! From September 2025 we will be offering 52 full time places. Come along to our 'peek and play' sessions on 6th Dec and 3rd Jan from 2.15-3pm or Sat 11th Jan from 10am-11am to find out more
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A Happy New Year

13th Jan 2023

We are delighted with how well everyone has settled back in after the Christmas break. This month we are talking about Winter, appropriate clothes for cold weather, our families and people who love us. I’m sure you have heard some grandparent songs and rhymes at home! The children are exploring the cold, ice and animals that live in cold countries. We are focusing on fine motor skills such as using a pincher and tripod grip and gross motor skills such as jumping and hopping. Please remember to send in a photo of your child as a baby.