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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen
EXCITING NEWS!!! From September 2025 we will be offering 52 full time places. Come along to our 'peek and play' sessions on 6th Dec and 3rd Jan from 2.15-3pm or Sat 11th Jan from 10am-11am to find out more
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AM Weekly News

17th Nov 2023

This week we have been continuing to look at day and night.  The children had great fun exploring shadows using torches in the dark.  Some were able to use their hands to make butterflies and bunny rabbits.  See if you can recognise them.

We were very lucky to have a Mummy who is a Dentist come into school and talk to the children about how important it is to look after our teeth by brushing them properly and eating healthy food.  She showed everyone how to brush up and down and round and round with a toothbrush.  We looked at some dental mirrors and learnt that all children have 20 teeth.  I hope everyone is using the new toothbrush and toothpaste that went home.

Today it was lovely to see all the children dressed in their pyjamas for PJ day.  We read lots of bedtime stories and enjoyed hot chocolate as a treat for snack.

Daniel was back today to do ball skills, we did throwing, catching and driving a car steering around the cones.

All pre school children have taken home a “Big Bedtime Read” book bag each.  We hope you enjoy these stories over the next few weeks with your child.