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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen
EXCITING NEWS!!! From September 2025 we will be offering 52 full time places. Come along to our 'peek and play' sessions on 6th Dec and 3rd Jan from 2.15-3pm or Sat 11th Jan from 10am-11am to find out more
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Feeling thankful!

26th Jan 2024

After navigating the tricky weather at the start of the week we have spent our time thinking about people who are special to us and thanking them for all that they do. 

The children have been busy learning songs and rhymes about our families as well as painting pictures of this who are special to them.

In class we have been trying to develop focus an attention on tasks such as threading, puzzles and simple games.

Today we have made bird feeders and each child has a sheet home to try and spot different types of birds at home and when out and about to celebrate ‘ the big bird watch 2024’. Please encourage your child to participate and return the sheet on Monday so it can be put into their school book.

Thank you to all the ‘ special people’ who attended today. We hope you enjoyed being with us!