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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen
EXCITING NEWS!!! From September 2025 we will be offering 52 full time places. Come along to our 'peek and play' sessions on 6th Dec and 3rd Jan from 2.15-3pm or Sat 11th Jan from 10am-11am to find out more
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Welcome back!

23rd Feb 2024

This week the children all took part in “Safe Walking “ with the Police. They all passed and received a certificate to celebrate this. We are very proud of them all.


We have been thinking about what foods are good for our bodies and give us energy. Everyone has been printing pictures with a variety of materials including real fruit and vegetables. They enjoyed chopping some fruit and vegetables themselves to make a salad and a big bowl of fresh fruit salad. We even learnt some new songs “Super salad “ and “5 little peas”